Setting up a digital accessibility Empathy Hub
An Empathy Hub focused on digital accessibility can be an effective resource for fostering empathy and comprehension regarding the challenges individuals face in the digital realm. Additionally, empathy labs can significantly contribute to educating people about their potential impact in enhancing and ensuring service accessibility.
As well as visiting our Accessibility Empathy hub in London or Newcastle we have put together a few are things that you can do at your desk to gain an insight into the experiences of users with access needs.
Why not try these activities:
Not everyone users a mouse so unplug your mouse or disable your trackpad and try using your keyboard only for an hour
The dyslexia simulator rearranges the letters within words on a page to give you a feel for what reading with dyslexia may be like.
Colour blindness experience allows you find out what it is like to live in a colour-bind world and get access to simulators to find out what your content looks like to someone who is colour bind
The hearing loss simulator demonstrates how different levels of hearing loss are perceived
The funkily simulators mimic cognitive; dyslexia; motor and vision conditions.
To experiment with simulation pop into one of our drop in sessions, we can set up a desktop for you to see how frustrating it is not to be able to use a laptop/desktop without assistance.

I remember this day this must've been a long time ago when the woman came in the film all of us at Park View Project didn't realise it was that along ago May 2017 when I was thirty years old shows you how young I still was then haha😀🙂