Sir James Knott Trust and Digital First Aid
Sir James Knott Trust have awarded a grant to begin development of our new proposal called Digital First Aid.
Our first steps will be to visit the inital objectivess, which are:
Digital First Aid Objectives:
To enable people with age related comorbidities to access assistive technology both in-house and externally to get online
‘Digital First Aid’ training delivered by older people for older people and intergenerational through our volunteer Online Chum Mentoring service.
To improve health, self-care, and choice for older people
Our partner NTDF community will promote and enable positive health, wellbeing and independence in North Tyneside through increased access to digital health technology via Park View Project.
To encourage individuals to increase their circles of support through online participation in activities that stimulate interaction by combining play, socialising and interactive learning.
increase levels of basic digital skills.
Please see under 'documents' Digital First Aid - A proposal.
