Learning Disability is no barrier to achieving your goals
Mart, one of our volunteer Digital Champions, honing his skills on marketing and adding value through his experience of living with a...

Digital First W/shop
Let me introduce you to Amanda who has joined our Digital First Workshop held every Tuesday at 1.00 pm. Amanda lives with a Learning...

Promoting Digital Inclusion
Helping Audrey to set up her new tablet so that she is able to keep in contact with relatives in Spain or Australia. She was over the...

Access to National Data Bank locally
We will be offering those in receipt of benefits the chance to join our free sim card data bank. In conjunction with O2, Vodaphone and...

What libraries are telling us about digital inclusion
Here is a link to updated report by libraries on Digital Inclusion and there important role in tackling exclusion:...

Doing Digital Inclusion: Disability handbook
The Social Model of Disability is the framework from which we look at the issues about accessing digital support. The model sates: "The...

Volunteer Online Buddies
Our project works towards directly alleviating digital poverty and digital exclusion. We could not achieve these goals without our...