Accessible Digital Hubs UK Update
In the uk, accessible digital hubs'' generally refer to community-based centres, often part of the National Digital Inclusion network,...

Digital Support in Your Local Community
Our accessible digital hub was created using social capital, incorporating community development practices where ownership is shared,...

A Digital Space in your local community
Exploring your personal profile can be an enlightening and emotional journey. While online tools can assist, they require internet...

Get Online Week
The UK’s largest digital inclusion campaign About Get Online Week Get Online Week is Good Things Foundation's annual digital inclusion...

Get Online Week 16th-22nd October.
What is Get Online Week? Get Online Week is an annual campaign run by leading digital inclusion charity Good Things Foundation, who power...

What libraries are telling us about digital inclusion
Here is a link to updated report by libraries on Digital Inclusion and there important role in tackling exclusion:...

Doing Digital Inclusion: Disability handbook
The Social Model of Disability is the framework from which we look at the issues about accessing digital support. The model sates: "The...