How is AI changing the game for people with low digital literacy.
Digital Champions working on AI marketing generation.

Learning Disability is no barrier to achieving your goals
Mart, one of our volunteer Digital Champions, honing his skills on marketing and adding value through his experience of living with a...

Volunteers Week
IT is a sight to behold to see many wondaful people celebrating their contribution as volunteers. Our organisation is mindful of the...

Happy 2023
It is good to be back behind the wheel after the festive break. Since returning my digital skills have deep with my now having access to...

What it means to me be a volunteer Online Chum Mentor - Simon Schofield
Here are the beginnings of my digital book that I have been busy with over recent months. This charts how a young adult with a Learning...

NHS Digital Fund Project
This is a video capturing the experience of 2 young people will a learning Disability sharing how they have created a blogging program....

Age is no barrier for our local digital drop in
Creating social support where experiences can be shared is as vital as developing digital skills. Engaging with our local community...